Model 60-20-5000
Nominal flow and pressure values:
- 60 gpm input flow
- 20 gpm output flow
- 1,667 input pressure
- 5,000 output pressure
Cylinder - Manifold block assembly
Directional Valve
Casinjac Up - Stop - Down
Shuttle Valve
Shuttles internal piston
Relief valve
Controls pressure to Casinjac
Pressure gauge
Displays pressure to Casinjac
Cartridge valves
Various functions
Output from a hydraulic power unit is directed to the intensifier.
If the output pressure from the power unit is sufficient the intensifier's directional valve operates the Casinjac.
If the power unit's output is insufficient the shuttle valve is used to shuttle the intensifier's internal piston.
This intensifies the input pressure to provide the necessary output pressure.